Local Law # 1 of 2015
A Local Law amending the Village of
Otisville’s Comprehensive Zoning Law of 2011
Village of Otisville Board of Trustees as follows:
One: Intent
purpose of this local law is to protect the public health, welfare and
safety. It is intended to protect
property values, create a more attractive economic and business climate,
enhance and protect the physical appearance of the community, preserve the
scenic and natural beauty and provide a more enjoyable and pleasing community.
following section shall be added to Article V: Supplementary Regulations of the
Village of Otisville’s Comprehensive Zoning Law of 2011, as Section 5.4,
entitled Outdoor Storage Regulations in All Districts and shall be worded as
Section 5.4 Outdoor Storage Regulations in All Districts
5.4.1 There shall be no outdoor storage, for any
purpose, of vehicles, trailers, goods, commodities, supplies, or rubbish in the
front yard of any residential structure.
5.4.2 All undeveloped lots and front yards of
residential structures must be kept free of machinery, discarded appliances and
furniture, all forms of rubbish and junk, and disorderly or unsightly piles of building
materials. Accumulated rubbish, debris
and discarded building materials associated with an ongoing construction,
renovation, or improvement project must be removed weekly.
5.4.3 All undeveloped lots must be kept free of partially
dismantled, abandoned or inoperable vehicles.
A vehicle which has not moved off the property for a period of one year
shall be presumptive evidence that the vehicle is inoperable and/or
5.4.4 All
front and side yards of residential structures must be keep free of partially
dismantled vehicles; no more than one inoperable or un-registered vehicle may
be stored in the open, and only in the side or rear yard of the residential
structure. No inoperable vehicle, or
portion of a vehicle, may be converted or used as an accessory or portable
storage unit.
5.4.5 Outdoor storage of any type authorized
elsewhere in the Village’s Comprehensive Zoning Law, shall be located at least
ten (10) feet from any property line and shall not be placed closer to the
principal building of an adjoining lot than to the principal building on the
lot where it is stored. If both side and
rear yards are available for such storage, the location with the least
visibility from streets and neighboring property, as determined by the Code
Enforcement Officer, must be used.
5.4.6 A commercial business legally operating in
a Residence District prior to the adoption of this local law, whose business requires the storage of a limited
amount of partially dismantled, inoperable machinery and/or equipment, which
has heretofore been stored in the open, shall be required to move such items to
an enclosed building whenever possible; any items remaining in the open shall
be stored in a manner which ensures that such storage does not negatively affect
the appearance of the community.
5.4.7 Any properties in violation of these
regulations on the date of the adoption of this local law shall be given 90
days from that date to remediate such violations(s).
following section shall be added to Section – General Commercial
District – Conditional Uses Permitted Upon Approval by the Planning Board: Animal care business establishments, with
or without boarding facilities, for the sale, boarding, breeding, or care of
dogs and/or cats. Any such business must
fully comply with all stipulations for care of animals as regulated in Article
26 of the NYS Ag and Markets Law, as well as any other Article of that law applicable
to the specific business.
following is a correction to an erroneous reference in section
Outdoor Dining Areas. Omit parenthetical reference: (see Section 3.3.2)
This local law was
adopted by resolution of the Board of Trustees, Village of Otisville, on
September 3, 2015, and shall become effec