Village Of Otisville

Parking 2018


Local Law #2 of 2018

Regulating Parking within the Village of Otisville


Be it enacted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Otisville as follows:


Section One – Intent:  This local law is intended to provide for the safety, health and general welfare of the residents of the Village and the users of the streets, sidewalks and public areas within the Village. 


Section Two -   Local Law #1 of 2017 entitled “Regulating Parking within the Village of Otisville” is hereby repealed and annulled.


Section Three - Parking is hereby regulated upon the following streets and at the following times within the Village of Otisville:                                                                                                   

a.       There shall be no parking on:

(1)   Highland Avenue, Mount Hope Avenue, Seybolt Avenue, State Street (SR 211), Baker Street, Schobl Street and Field Road

(2)   Sanitorium Avenue from the intersection of Sanitorium Avenue and Route 211, northerly to the Village of Otisville Village limits

b.      Parking on Main Street shall be regulated as follows:

(1)   The only parking permitted on the north side of Main Street shall be one-hour parking from the upper entrance of the Main Street municipal parking lot, westerly to the Presbyterian Church parking lot, unless otherwise posted.

(2)   Parking on the south side of Main Street is permitted only from the intersection of Main Street and Orchard Street, westerly for a distance of sixty (60) feet.

(3)   Parking is prohibited anywhere on Main Street between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

(4)   Parking or standing of commercial vehicles on Main Street during loading and unloading is prohibited.   

c.       From October 1st to April 1st of each year, there shall be no parking on any streets within the Village of Otisville between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.


Section Four - Parking in all Village of Otisville municipal parking lots is hereby regulated as follows:

a.       The Main Street municipal parking lot provides off street parking for patrons of the downtown businesses, as well as tenants residing on Main Street for whom no other off street parking is available.


b.      No overnight parking is permitted in the Veterans Memorial Park parking lot, in the Berger’s Field parking lots, or the parking lot at the Village Hall.



c.       Parking in the Village of Otisville Fire House parking lot, at any time, shall be limited to Emergency Service personnel, Village officials, authorized visitors, and attendees of social functions being held at the Fire House but only during the time of said function.

d.      No buses, tractor trailers, or any part thereof shall be parked or stored in any Village of Otisville municipal parking lot.

e.       No unlicensed motor vehicle shall be operated in, parked or stored in any Village of Otisville municipal parking lot.

f.        No person shall dismantle any motor vehicle in any Village of Otisville municipal parking lot nor use same as a site for making automotive repairs except for automotive repairs of a temporary, emergency nature. 

g.      Parking within any Village of Otisville municipal parking lots may be further regulated by the Village of Otisville Board of Trustees by Board Resolution.  Such areas shall be appropriately posted.


Section Five - Violations of this local law shall constitute a traffic infraction, and shall invoke the penalties as set forth in the Vehicle & Traffic Law of the State of New York

Section Six - In accordance with the Vehicle & Traffic Law of the State of New York, all fines, penalties and forfeitures for violations of this local law shall be paid to the Village of Otisville.

Section Seven - The words and phrases used in this Local Law shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in the Vehicle & Traffic Law of the State of New York.

Section Eight - Saving Clause: In the event that any provision of this law is declared unconstitutional or invalid, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the applicability of such provision to other persons and circumstances and the constitutionality or validity of every other provision of the law shall not be affected thereby.


Section Nine - Effective Date: This local law was adopted by the Village of Otisville Board of Trustees by resolution on April 5, 2018 and shall take effect immediately upon its filing with the Secretary of State of the State of New York. 




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